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Who Should Exhibit?

  • Vendors offering innovative nursing education tools or specializing in nursing products

  • Book and software publishers

  • Educational programs and institutions

Exhibitor Passport Contest

Encourage attendees to visit your exhibit booth by participating in exhibitor passport contest through the conference app - Whova. Attendees receive a digital stamp from each participating booth they visit and the attendees who collect every stamp are entered into a prize draw.


Bring a Prize!! 
Each participating exhibitor must submit a prize valued at $25 or more for the exhibitor passport contest upon arrival at the conference. 

With over 350 attendees,

you will have unparalleled

opportunities to

present your company,

reach a new market, and network with

nurses and educators.

Nurse Educators Conference Scholarship Fund

Centennial Area Health Education Center would like to provide up to five need-based scholarships to nurse educators or aspiring nurse educators to attend the Nurse Educators Conference in the Rockies where they can learn best teaching practices from and network with fellow nurse educators. 

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